“I have bad news. We did all we could, but it was just too late. We couldn’t save him.”
Read moreSurviving the Ultimate Loss ~ By Shane Sutherland

“I have bad news. We did all we could, but it was just too late. We couldn’t save him.”
Read moreBy Tina Ann Forkner I watched her scatter her favorite seashells across the top of the hope chest. She added a silver framed photo of herself and her daddy, a few treasured jewelry boxes, her
Read moreFor years, I’ve known that I have been called to the mission field. More than a decade ago, I received the calling while sitting in church. I cried because I didn’t want to give up
Read moreAs the King of the universe, God’s loyalty to us is extraordinary.
Read moreBy Carla Stewart The boys and girls at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch northwest of Amarillo, Texas are always anxious for the yearly visit from Mrs. Cowan – Elsie to her friends and family. That’s when
Read moreHer new album, This Time Around, releases on Sept. 27. Earlier this year, Williams was named a “Best Bet of 2011” by Billboard Magazine. Her songs and her character speak of the strength of a woman well
Read moreBy Jerry (Chip) MacGregor To address God as Abba is the boldest and simplest expression of that absolute trust with which we rely on God for all good, with which we entrust ourselves to
Read more“I know that the Lord upholds the cause of the needy.” Psalm140:12 Nearly every day as we drive home, we stop at a corner that is filled with homeless men (and occasionally women) asking for
Read moreDisclaimer: while this particular article focuses on the conservative movement and the tea party, Inspireafire is non-partisan. We understand that there are true patriots fighting for justice and liberty from all political parties.
Read moreBy Pastor Mike Dodson Jr. If there is a God, why is there so much suffering? This seems to be the hottest question that I get asked as a pastor and I think that in
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