Emotional Burdens and Spiritual Faith in Heart Health

Strengthen your heart with doctors and spiritual faith

Cardiovascular Disease: A Physical and Emotional Burden 

Cardiovascular disease effects 121.5 million people in the United States. Our hearts also battle more than blocked arteries, weakness, edema, and congestion. One hundred percent of us carry emotional burdens—333.3 million in the US and over 8 billion world-wide. Our hearts deal with grief, guilt, regret, anger, unforgiveness, and loneliness. These negative emotions influence heart rate, blood pressure, and inflammation which leads to the risk of heart attack. The medical community treats heart disease through combination of medications, therapies, surgeries, and lifestyle changes. Emotional problems benefit from the same regimen of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Can we heal emotional and spiritual heart health?Emotional and Spiritual Heart HealthDoctors impact on heart disease with medication and technology

The Power of Faith in Healing

Even more encouraging is the positive impact of faith in God on our heart health. Belief in God offers hope, coping mechanisms, purpose, support, mental health management, and comfort. People’s faith is a lifeline to navigate emotional welfare. Praying to God impacts emotional health and heart disease

            As I sit in the hospital listening to the whir of machines connected to my father, I’ve had time to ponder between visits from doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers. Despite our best efforts, our bodies sometimes weaken and disappoint us. Yet, they also heal and gain strength. Stopping heart disease, however, isn’t always within our power.

What do we control?

  1. Lifestyle

The internet is a vast resource for health information. Begin your investigations to better heart health by exploring trusted sources and making informed decisions about diet, exercise, and stress management.

  1. Belief system

Our relationship with God doesn’t just benefit our emotions—it also positively influences our physical health. Embracing faith provides a foundation for emotional resilience, mental clarity, and spiritual peace.

For many, believing in God seems too ethereal or weak. Are you a skeptic?

If you’re skeptical, I urge you to explore the subject of faith in God. Please, don’t close your mind.

Resources to Begin Your Journey

The Bible (How to choose a Bible.)

The Case for ChristBook: The Case for Christ

The Case for Christ MovieMovie: The Case for Christ [blu-ray]

Is God Real? Author, a former atheist: Lee Strobel

Mere ChristianityMere Christianity, C. S. Lewis

Dear Friends, I pray for strength and wisdom as we work toward healing our emotional and spiritual heart health.

Terri Kelly

A former teacher turned writer, Terri B. Kelly, is the mother of two grown children and lives with her husband plus one sweet pug in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Visit her at www.terribkelly.com or on Facebook.

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One comment

  1. God cares for us as whole beings. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health all matter, yet how often we focus on the first three and neglect the most important.

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