God’s handwriting is on your calendar.
Well, not literally. But ponder this: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).
If it’s true God has plans for me, I want to know what they are. Don’t you?
One way to show God we’re serious about discovering His handwriting on our calendars is to have a calendar consecration. I’ve been doing this every December for a decade. It’s always meaningful and powerful. Why not join me?
Here’s how to consecrate your calendar:
- Set aside a block of uninterrupted time.
- Write Ephesians 2:10 somewhere in your new 2014 calendar. (If you use a technology-based calendar, tweak these ideas as needed.)
- Place your calendar before God.
- Pray.
I pray along these lines:
Dear Jesus:
I praise You for giving me life. Thank You for the promise in Ephesians 2:10 that says You have good works for me to do. I want to know what those good works are and be faithful to perform them.
I’m looking at all these pristine squares on my calendar. Soon they’ll be covered with scribbled appointments and reminders. I believe You have good works planned for me, so don’t let me miss Your handwriting on my calendar because I’ve already filled up the days with my plans.
I commit the days You have given me on this planet to Your purposes. I want to live a life that makes You smile. I want to be on Your schedule, fulfilling everything You have in mind for me to do in the minutes and months of my life.
I ask that You would guard my heart from distractions that would hinder me from doing the good works that you prepared for me to do. Keep me aware and awake to Your Spirit’s promptings.
Jesus, if I run ahead or behind of Your perfect plan, I claim the promise of Romans 8:28 that even in my missteps, You will work all things together for good.
Please teach me what it means to “number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).
Jesus, empower me by Your Spirit to live my life with my eyes focused on what matters to You.
Lord, if I am still walking this earth on January 1, 2015, I pray I’ll be able to look back over the filled-in pages of this calendar and rejoice, knowing that I have lived well for Your glory.
I love You,