O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old—what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:1-4
There are 1.2 million children whose parents serve in our military. Most of these children will move every three years and many will have a parent deployed for a year at time. Our military children need to know there is someone who will never leave them and will give them the strength to face their unique situations.
Cadence Children’s Ministry serves alongside Military Chaplains, developing and strengthening a child’s relationship with Christ in the Word of God and Christian/Spiritual growth, while establishing them in the local chapel for assistance in Christian living. We serve in military communities through programs that provide a safe, fun environment for our military children to hear the Gospel. We provide weekly and monthly programs that incorporate Bible lessons, songs, Scripture memorization, and games.
Through monthly training we engage volunteers to minister alongside our missionaries and then equip them to use their volunteer experience in future military assignments.

In 2000, God used a snowmobile accident to yank up the deep Louisiana roots of Jennifer L Griffith and move her to Wydaho. She let go of her business, her career, college degrees in Biology and Chemistry, and a Masters in Sports Medicine, to be open for God’s move in her life. She went from Chemistry teacher, athletic trainer and entrepreneur in Louisiana, to novelist, drummer, skier and over-all adventurous out west. Since then God blessed her with the ACFW Genesis Award in 2007 for Gumbo Ya-Ya and in 2009 for Magpies in Trees. In 2012, God directed Jennifer back to the Deep South where she serves wherever God calls. This has included three months in southern Africa as a missionary journalist. In 2015, Jennifer's passion for organic living led her to create www.geauxorganic.com. After years of health challenges due Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, which left her fighting for her life, Jennifer shares her journey with others. She hopes to help others thrive amid the chemical world that surrounds us.
Jennifer is currently working on her realtor's license, has a few writing projects in the works, and is available for motivational speaking. You can contact her through her websites for more information. You can also follow her spiritual journal here http://magpiesintrees.wordpress.com
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