Borderline Faith

Where is the borderline of our house of worship? Does our love and faith extend past the parking lot or the back pew of the sanctuary? The violent clash of cultures that dominate our headlines moan for divine, Christ like, intervention. Every atrocity on the face of the earth stems from a lack of love and compassion. Jesus didn’t come to us just to save our souls. He came to change the way we relate to God and to each other.

In the Gospel of John 13:34-35 He says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

While governments and politicians aim to dash our hopes for meaningful charity regarding refugees from war torn regions of the world the Body of Christ moves, at least in the form of Voice of the, to aid and assist the displaced and terrified. I recently awoke from a dream, ash white from the sight of it, of our visa and immigration offices flooded with American Christians seeking to enter Syria, Libya, and Eastern Ukraine with suitcases full of clothing to comfort families torn apart by tribal or politicized violence.

Can you imagine a world where the number of missionaries sent abroad matched or superseded the number of combat troops?

Jesus sent out His disciples, two by two. He also said we would do greater things than He did. Could He simply have meant the numbers of disciples sent? Of course I am oversimplifying. How could a body of believers extending grace and mercy possibly defeat the radicalized firepower of modern day evil? How indeed… …

Will Schmit

Will Schmit is a volunteer outreach prison minister for Lifehouse Church in McKinleyville Ca. He is the author of Head Lines A Sixty Day Guide to Personal Psalmistry and Jesus Inside A Prison Minister's Memoir and Training Manual both available at Amazon Books and The website also includes poetry, ministry updates, and music downloads from Bring To Glory a CD of spoken word with coffee house jazz.

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