It sits on my desk, a small wooden elephant my dad brought back from his trip to India. The item is special. It’s the last treasure I received from the many trips my dad took over the years. It also reminds me of the BIG God I serve and how I need to believe in Him for all things, whether it seems possible or not.
As I look at the wooden treasure a story comes back to mind. It’s an elephant story, one I heard from a missionary who was visiting the church my husband was pastoring at the time. He was telling us about his work in a small village in India, the people he ministered to, and how God protected them in a miraculous way.
He shared that while he was there the area was overtaken by armed men. He, along with the people he was ministering to, were forced into a building located in one corner of the village. Once they realized the seriousness of their situation, the villagers prayed to their gods but the missionary prayed earnestly to his God, to protect and deliver them. He knew God would have to do something, because there wasn’t anyone else who could. He prayed and waited, prayed and waited.
How was God going to protect them from these hostile men?
How was He going to keep them safe and deliver them?
He had no idea, but he did BELIEVE.
So, he prayed and waited.
Late in the afternoon while sitting on the floor and continuing to call out to the Lord, the earth began to move under their bodies. More jeeps carrying more men? They listened and soon realized it wasn’t vehicles they heard but more like a rumble followed by growls and trumpets. Elephants. The noise grew deafening as they realized a stampede was near the village and seemed to be coming their way. Elephants, an entire herd, coming directly towards them.
The missionary continued to pray, and while he was praying the elephants trampled through the village. As he listened to the herd make their way out of the area he strained to hear the voices of their captors. Silence. It was then that he and the villagers emerged to discover that only one building stood—their prison. The elephants had destroyed everything and everyone except for them. They had been saved.
Just as Daniel prayed while in the lion’s den, this child of God prayed. He prayed, believed, and was delivered by God using . . . elephants. God showed His power and protection through this miracle. The results? The villagers believed in this missionaries’ God and the enitre village came to accept Jesus Christ. To this day they are a Christian village.

I’ve never been in a situation like the one described by this brave and faithful missionary, but I’ve had times when I’ve called out to the Lord in need of a miracle. And when I pray, I believe God . . . one look at the elephant on my desk and I’m reminded that my God is still in the miracle business.
I need only pray and believe.
“With man it is impossible, but not with God.
For all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27 ESV).
Elephant photo courtesy of