Woman faces a storm and cries for help from Father God

I’m walking through a storm, not just strong winds, but a deep shaking under my feet. I’m not good at conflict, so fear and confusion get the best of my thoughts, sounding like a never-ending chord progression, playing over and over and never resolving. I hear, “Be still” but my thoughts run in circles.

This is the torment of the prince of the power of the air, filling my ears with reasons to despair and feel abandoned.

I look and see unbearable situations all around me and as much as I quote the scripture to myself to overcome, my eyes still see the impossible.

The pressure on my soul to understand it all, weighs heavy.

Where is God?
I can not hear Him!

Sometimes, I only have the strength to whisper to my Father in heaven,

“Father, please help me. Father, please help me.”

Amid the gusts of emotional turmoil, I fear my weak pleas for help will fly away and be lost in the dark clouds above me.


It was the same for the prophet Elijah. He faithfully served God. It was Elijah who challenged the prophets of Baal, the demon god of Jezebel, in a showdown on Mt. Carmel. He called on God to show Himself mighty. The battle wasn’t even close! Fire fell from heaven. The God of Israel answered in a visual demonstration that He alone is God! 1 Kings 18

Yet, because of this awesome victory, Queen Jezebel threatened to murder Elijah. So, he ran. He ran to the wilderness, full of fear, alone, dejected, and despondent.

How can it be that following such a show of God’s great power, Elijah could be in such a state? Why was he falling apart?

Elijah looked and God was not in the Earthquake

After coming down from being powerfully used by God, Elijah came back to himself and faced the threat of death. In our own power, we cannot stand up to such things, like threatening words from the lips of an evil queen.

Elijah ran to the wilderness, exhausted and needing to hear God’s voice.

I have been to Horeb where Elijah fled to the cave near Mt. Sinai. It is a harsh unyielding wilderness. In the cave on the mountain, the word of the Lord came to Elijah.

“What are you doing here, Elijah?”


Bitterness filled Elijah’s response to the Lord. He had served God zealously yet in spite of all of that, the people still turned away from God’s covenant, tore down God’s altars, and killed God’s prophets. In the pain of abandonment, Elijah cried out to God,

“I alone am left, and they are seeking my life to take it!”
1 Kings 19:10b
Tree of Life Version

The situation around Elijah seemed insurmountable. Depression and self-pity filled his spiritual ears. Even isolated in a quiet cave on Mt. Sinai, he could not “hear” the Lord.


God called Elijah to come out of the cave and stand on a ledge. God passed by and a violent windstorm ensued. The wind dislodged great boulders and shattered the clifftops. Yet God was not found in the strong wind. An intense earthquake followed shaking the mountains, yet God was not found in the earthquake. A fierce fire followed, but God was not found in the fire.

After, there was the sound of a still small voice. When Elijah heard the voice, he covered his face and stepped out to meet with God. 1 Kings 19:11-13.

Although Elijah knew how to hear the word of the Lord, his eyes and ears became attentive to the lying lips of Jezebel. Fear and confusion set in. Elijah needed a reminder that God was not found in the violent winds and shaking. Only in stillness could he hear the whisper of God.

When we put our eyes on the storm confronting us, the sound of the wind fills our spiritual ears. Like Elijah, we must learn to stand and be still.

We cry, “Father, please help me.”
He responds,
Psalm 46:11


Father God specializes in stillness and small voices. In the madness of raging storms, our Father hears our distress. He hears our small voice calling to Him for help. God answers us, but we can’t hear Him if our eyes and ears are filled with fear.

When we are still, we can clearly hear our Father’s voice affirm, direct, and comfort us. In stillness, we encounter His peace and find freedom. God promises to answer:

“When he calls on Me, I will answer him.
I will be with him in trouble, rescue him and honor him.”
Psalm 91:15
Tree of Life Version


The Christmas story. We cherish every element and polish it up shiny and bright. But in reality, Mary and Joseph walked through a whirlwind. We tend to think of them as superhuman, but they were just like us – human.

From the conception of the baby to the rumors of sin, to visits from angels and their rushed marriage, the winds of gossip and confusion blew at them. I imagine doubt and unbelief shook their souls. Did their families judge them? Did this ruin their reputations? Mary and Joseph endured a lot, but it was about to get worse.

On the long journey from Nazareth to Jerusalem, Mary went into labor. Imagine the weight and fear on Joseph. People from all over crowded the city, and we know there was no room at the inn! Surrounded by hustle and bustle, they needed to hear God’s voice.

I am sure Mary whispered in fear,

“Father, please help me!”

I am certain Joseph did the same, desperate to find a safe and clean place for his wife and the birth. Nothing seemed to be going as it should. Where was God in all this trouble? Why wasn’t this thing working out?

Facing such dire need, how could they possibly find a place to be still, when they couldn’t even find a place to give birth. The enemy shook them hard.

A stranger had compassion on the couple and led them to a stable. Was it kosher? No. Was it safe – somewhat – it was better than the side of the road.

There they settled in, prepared to welcome God’s Son.

Mary and Jesus with Jesus in the manger


On that hectic, yet silent night, God’s voice spoke peace into the stillness. It was God’s voice, yet in the tiny cry of a newborn baby. Mary and Joseph heard Him and knew, God was there with them. Emmanuel.

Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of PEACE

There, in the hay, Mary gave birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world.

God’s voice still cries out to all who hear Him, not as a baby, but as a Savior, mighty to save. He calls to all humanity, to come and be saved. He calls to come and be comforted, come and be loved, come and be healed, come and receive life.



The storm I face has died down a bit. I still my soul then I can hear my Father’s words of comfort – I am not alone; He sees me, He knows me, the Comforter is near. I have purpose in Him; He has numbered the hairs on my head, He will not drop me, He will never forsake me.

In the stillness, I breathe and hear Him and His peace comes – the Prince of Peace!

I remember the words of Jesus.

And He arose, and rebuked the wind,
and said unto the sea,
And the wind ceased
and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39
King James Version.
-Emphasis mine.

I know the winds may kick up again, but I am practicing stillness and hearing God’s calming voice, even in the face of a furious storm.

Be still and Hear the Prince of Peace


This Christmas – if you are experiencing the rushing winds of trouble, if your emotions are fractured with confusion and you don’t know who or what to believe. If you are walking through fires of tribulation, like the three Hebrew boys, remember you are not alone nor forsaken.

Like Elijah, He is calling you to be still and listen.
Be still.
Be still.
Be still.
You will hear His voice as you still your soul.

Hear the still small voice, of the baby born on Christmas,
come to save and deliver,
come to bring light and life,
come to set His people free.

The still small voice of God calls for you to come close.
He loves you.
He wants you.
God with us.

Be still and listen.
He is God.





Learning to Be Still

Why Storms?

Our Heavenly Father Who Calms All Storms


Lori Assadi Ramsey

Lori Assadi Ramsey is an author, musician, and kid’s illustrator who loves communicating the love of Jesus through words, music, and pictures. Called to encourage others, she has spent 30 years leading and participating in praise and worship ministry. A founding member of Manna of Life Foundation and the Chicken Coop Children’s Library in Ghana, Lori lives in Northern Virginia with her husband Mr. Ed, and her rescue pup Missi. You can connect with Lori @lightyourlamps, or

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