I am a husband, dad, Christian, and writer. Not necessarily in that order. It took me thirty years to turn my life over to my Redeemer. It's taken another ten to figure out what it is He has in store for me. My first novel, Now I Knew You, will be released in March, 2015. I pray that God will allow me to write many more before calling me home.

The Christmas Mirror

As I write this, I’m surrounded by Christmas. Yes, we waste no time in the Estrada household making preparations for The Day. Since child #1 was home from college over Thanksgiving, all interior decorating had

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Blessing Friday

Most who read this will agree that Christmas has become something of a national embarrassment. What used to be known as a time of gathering with family and celebrating the birth of our Lord has

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The New Homesteader

I like to say that something beautiful always emerges from something ugly. Over the past few years we’ve witnessed a somewhat depressing downturn of a once economically powerful nation. We’ve come to realized that we

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Restoring Freedom

  If there is one thing I’ve discovered since immersing myself into politics, it is this: one man or woman can truly make a huge difference. You’ll find this to be true if you only

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The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect by Larry Taunton, is a contemporary account of one family’s journey to adopt a little girl from a Ukranian orphanage. Taunton uses his tale to portray the effects of the near eradication

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