Laura is in joyful recovery from juggling too much on the balance beam of life. As her journey from brokenness to healing continues, she desires to help other women find their inherent worth beyond the roles they fill. She encourages women to live in God's abundance as they discover wellness, contentment, joy, and confidence in how they are uniquely created. Laura is a blogger, speaker, and life coach for women, especially moms preparing for or in the empty nest. She and her husband of thirty-one years (if you don't count the bump in the road) live in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. Laura can be found at, or contacted at
A wonderful kind of exhaustion? Are you kidding me? I hear you, but I beg you to hear me out. It is possible to go from being drained to a wonderful kind of exhaustion. We
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The prison created by my paralyzed fear almost caused me to miss the gifts God had waiting for me. We were young parents who had just lost our home in the Great Recession. My mental
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The day couldn’t have been more beautiful. The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. It was unseasonably warm for early November. Despite the changing of the seasons, a few persistent leaves still clung
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I wrote this post before Hurricane Helene ravaged our beautiful mountain region of Western North Carolina. When our power returned and I could finally post this, what I wrote felt inconsequential in the face of
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Do your dreams and goals seem overwhelming because of fear and comparison? Mine sure have. For far too long I made the mistake of allowing the overwhelm to cripple me. I couldn’t grow confidently because
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