Often we are so intent on living a life of gratefulness and humility that we overlook our Lord’s desire that we truly enjoy our lives. He makes it clear in John 10:10 that He came to bring us life, and that we are to have it abundantly. Since Jesus rarely (if ever) associated “life” with the actual state of surviving, one can assume He meant life in the spiritual and emotional sense.
We often challenge you on this blog to walk the walk, show your faith through action, reach out to your fellow man. But today I want to extol you take moments for yourself. Sit on the front porch and soak up the sun after a long winter. Treat yourself to a chocolate sundae. Read a novel.
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. – Oscar Wilde
The Gospel teaches us how we should live and Who we should praise. But we often miss the point of it all. If every soul on Earth followed the example of Christ, we will have achieved the perfect life. And we would have more than enough time to live that life abundantly.
The sun, the ice cream, the writer who wrote that novel, these are all of God’s gifts to us. It brings Him great pleasure to see us enjoying them, just as a parent receives great pleasure when her child smiles after receiveing a gift.
Don’t just be an existing Christian. Be a living Christian. And live a life worth living.