They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death. Revelations 12:11
“What do you find hardest about being a writer?”
Situations like this, was the answer on the tip of my tongue.
Fortunately, I’d prayed for God to put a guard over my tongue, and I managed to stammer out a less revealing answer.
What situation? It was an interview with me as the focus instead of me as the interviewer. You see, I’m a background sort of girl, and any kind of attention makes me desperately uncomfortable. And, in my mind, I’ve always thought that was the way it should be. After all, I’m only where I am because of God’s blessings—not anything I’ve done. So situations that bring attention to me seem to be diametrically opposed to bringing glory to God.
Today, I was told differently.
Who dared to argue with my supposed biblical point of view? Nobody very important—just GOD!
It was the verse above that stopped me in my tracks. I’d just read it during my quiet time that morning and now one word in it echoed through my mind.
That one powerful word—TESTIMONY—that little word is causing me a death of sorts. The death of my quiet, comfortable, life-in-the-shadows life. You see, my testimony is what God has done in my life. And God wants to use that to defeat the enemy.
Uh, have you ever tried to share a personal testimony without talking about yourself? Don’t bother trying. Trust me, it’s just not possible.
So what am I going to do with this information? The only thing I can do—try to be obedient—no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. Because the one thing I do know is that this life isn’t about me.
Dear Lord, help me to always hear your voice and be obedient, no matter how uncomfortable the situation. Amen