On July 8th, God’s Provision in Tough Times will release from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Over the next couple of weeks, join us as we meet some of the 25 authors of this fantastic book about overcoming financial hardships in the era of a down economy. The book is filled with stories of hope and is sure to lift your spirits.
Up first is our very own Beth K. Fortune:
âI spent my days holding my shoulders back and wearing a smile on my face. Only a few knew of the anguish and worry behind the facade. To me, this was added pressure. I felt I needed to be a super Christian, always optimistic and joyful however I found out there was nothing super about my walk with the Lord.â â Beth Fortune, Godâs Provision In Tough Times
No, there was nothing at all super about my walk with the Lord, for I was grumbling like the Israelites when Moses was trying to lead them through their wilderness. They grumbled about water, about food, about being led away from Egyptâhow quickly theyâd forgotten the bondage they were in while in Egypt and how they were the ones who wanted out of Egypt. There was even one time when Moses cried out to the Lord, âWhat am I to do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me.â In their grumbling they didnât see how God was providing for them, and it was the same with me. I was too busy stomping and grumbling to see for myself what God was doing in our lives.
I was depending on the person who could offer my husband a job, my own strength to work two jobs, and new ideas to help us make ends meet. I was looking downward, focused on making things happen instead of looking upward to the One who was my provision. Jesus Himself said in Matt. 19:26, âWith man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.â
God provided for Abraham â â âDo not lay a hand on the boy,â he said. âDo not do anything to himâ . . . Abraham looked up and there in the thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns . . . so Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provideâ (Gen. 22:12-14).
God provided food for the Israelites â âThe Lord said to Moses, . . . Tell them, âAt twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your Godââ (Ex. 16:11, 12).
God provided shoes and clothes for the Israelites â âYour clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty yearsâ (Deut. 8:4).
God provided food for Elijah after he flees from Ahab â âLeave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, . . . you will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food thereâ (I Kings 17:3, 4).
Jesus provided for the five thousand â âTaking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves . . . They ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left overâ (Matt. 14:19, 20).
I needed to remember, âFor God does not show favoritismâ (Rom. 2:11). If He could provide for the ones mentioned, He could provide for my family and me. Now, God didnât send us manna and quail from heaven or feed us bread supplied by ravens while we sat by a brook, but He did put it on the hearts of others to assist us when we had an urgent need.
Psalm 23, a well-known chapter of the Bible, starts out with one of the most important statements I had to take hold of while going through my tough time. âThe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not wantâ (Psa. 23:1 NKJV). Here the word want means we shall not be without or be lacking. I may not have all that I think I want, need, or desire but I will not be without or lacking what God knows I need.
The Lord is my Shepherd, not the doctors, a person, a potential employer, a banker, or a family member. God may use them, but I needed to put my faith in God to impress upon a personâs heart to helpânot the people themselves. I learned that if we donât rely on God, weâll become bitter if someone doesnât do what we think they ought to do for us. If we keep our eyes on the Lord our Shepherd as our provider, we shall not be without or be lacking forâwith God all things are possible.
To pre-order a copy of God’s Provision in Tough Times, visit: Amazon
Beth has a passion for God’s Word. Through her writing and speaking she allows the heartbeat of the Father to flow through her words. As an award-winning writer sheâs a contributing writer with Christian Devotions and has had stories published in two Chicken Soup For the Soul Book Series in addition to other anthologies. Some of her articles have been published in Focus on Familyâs Thriving Family magazine and Dr. Charles Stanleyâs In Touch magazine. With a degree in Ornamental Horticulture, she loves gardening and enjoys giving gardening talks to churches, schools, and community groups but her real enjoyment comes from sharing God’s truths and encouraging others. She and her husband live in Greenville, SC where he’s Sr. Pastor of a local church. You can visit her at www.bethfortune.org.
One of the most amazing things is the way God will, as Beth said, “put it on the hearts of others to assist us when we had an urgent need.”
That convicts me to be more open to the leading of the Spirit when I sense His urging to share something that might seem unusual. It also convicts me to take all my requests to Him and look for Him to meet my needs in creative ways.
Can’t wait to get my copy of the book!
Thanks Susan. I have definitely learned many essons after going through this difficult time. I too try to be more open to the Holy Spirit and to ALWAYS take my request to HIM. He is truly our all and all!