Lamentations 3:22-24 ~ The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (ESV)
I’m from the South…where the summers are long, the iced tea is sweet, and college football is inescapable.
This time of year, the flags start flying—on homes and vehicles—declaring allegiance to Bulldogs, Seminoles, and Gamecocks.
As for me, I’m a Clemson Tiger. My blood runneth Orange. And when it comes to my team, I’m all in . . . all the time.
I love the idea of being all in. It’s a great slogan for a football team.
It’s an even better way to live my life. All in . . . all the time.
Whatever God has for me, I want to charge onto the field and face it head on. After all, if God is for us, who can be against us! I’m favored to win. All the time.
And some days, I do. I take the field full of the Holy Spirit and when children whine, I pray. When laundry mounts, I praise. When trials come, I rejoice (well, I’m learning to).
Then there are days when the score swings wildly. I stumble, make bad decisions, and drop passes. Thank goodness for half-time where I regroup and end the day on a high note.
But some days . . . the kids take turns getting up all night and my defense is worn out before the sun comes up. I’ve been sacked six times before breakfast, and even three cups of coffee can’t prevent me from throwing two interceptions before lunch. There are missed tackles, fumbles, and one poorly executed play after another.
I imagine the “great cloud of witnesses” squirming in the stands wondering what happened to their girl. Where’s the mighty warrior of yesterday? Where’s the comeback kid of last week? Why won’t she use her shield of faith? Her breastplate of righteousness?
Do they watch as I collapse into bed, sick with the knowledge that today was one I’ll regret forever? Do they wonder who will show up the next day—the star quarterback or the third string kicker?
I’m so thankful God never gives up on me. When I’m in the locker room, spent and humiliated, He reminds me that I may have lost this game but the Eternal Championship is already in the bag. His Son won that battle on the cross (talk about being “all in”).
And while I sometimes embarrass myself on the field, the truth is that His Spirit lives inside me and empowers me to run the plays God calls.
Today is a new game day. We can choose to wallow in past defeat or charge the field confident we will win.
I’m all in . . . who’s with me?
Oh Father, Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness. Pour out your grace and give us the strength to live our lives all in…all the time…all for you.
Count me in…all in!