A Gift To Share

Yesterday we celebrated the birth of our savior. “For unto us a son is born.”

God gave His only begotten son… But He gave us so much more.

Periodically through the year, my church offers membership classes. Not only does it introduce new members into our church family, it helps us to discover the one thing only we have. Do you know what it is? Do you know that one thing about you that is different from everyone else?

I have a friend who spent Christ’s birthday in our local ER at the hospital. Not as a patient, but as a nurse on duty to help care for the sick. Her husband is known to be a bit handy around their house, but while his hands may be good at fixing things, his voice has been known to draw a crowd.

Unlike my friend, the nurse, I would be completely useless to help someone in a hospital. At the first sight of blood or needles I’d become the patient instead of the healer. While my voice doesn’t crack glass, I won’t be standing up on stage and taking on any other solo’s either.

My husband on the other hand, can sing much better than I, but he can also teach others and help them to comprehend the knowledge they are seeking. Something I’ve been known to do on occasion, however, haven’t accelerated at like him.

So, you see, it’s a good thing I’m not a nurse, lead singer in a rock band, or even a teacher.  Neither am I an artist like my oldest child, or a problem solver like the second kiddo. I don’t get excited over cupcake flavors like my youngest, unless of course I’m not the one baking them.

What I do find joy in is creating the words you are reading. While some find great joy in serving, healing, or teaching others, mine comes from writing.

The joy I find in writing is a gift. One I love to share with others.

Inside of you is a special gift you were born with, an early Christmas present from God. He gave us His only son, and he gave us a small seed of joy to grow inside us. A gift only you have and one He wishes us to use and share with those around us.

My friend, the nurse, uses her gift of healing to care for others every day. Her husband, the singer, uses his voice to touch lives. My husband uses his ability to teach to broaden the understanding of others.

What is the one thing deep inside you that brings you joy that you can share with others?


Susan Lower

Susan Lower is a thrifty, creative, adventurous gal who loves black raspberry ice cream and chocolate. She's married to an awesome guy who calls her beautiful and has three great kids who call her Mom. She serves on the board for the St. Davids Christian Writers' Association as their conference director and when she's not writing, you'll find her with a good book, taking a family adventure, or in her craft room at www.susanlower.com.

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