You’re inspired, great!
Now, you want to know how YOU can make a difference. Oh there are so many ways.
Go to our Make a Difference page and you will see organizations that we believe are doing great things for others and the Kingdom of Heaven. Make a donation. We are also firm believers in the instruction God gives us in His word to tithe ten percent of our income. (Your church is the perfect place to give this offering.) Tithing is the one area of the Bible that God says to test Him in. So, go ahead if you’re not already tithing and see how God blesses you! (Of course, God doesn’t need your money. You need to give it.)[/box]
Are you involved in a local church? We hope you are. God instructs us to not forsake meeting with other believers. Why not look for an opportunity within your own church body to serve? A nursery worker is just as important as someone in the choir, an usher, or the preacher. We are all parts of the same body. Be your part!
There are also plenty of mission trips your church will offer but also there are community outreaches like CEF (Children’s Evangelist Fellowship), local food banks, rescue missions, etc, that would LOVE to have an extra set of hands to help out.[/box]
[box] Prayer:
There is TREMENDOUS power in prayer. When you hear of terrible things happen in the world do you just shrug and say, “There’s nothing I can do?” We hope you’re the type of Heavenly spark that knows that’s simply not true. There is nothing you can do that’s more powerful than to pray. Pray for us, your church, this country and world’s leadership, your neighbors and those who are in need, (which is all of us!) [/box]
Please make a difference in this world and the next. GET INVOLVED. We are the body of Christ. His hands. His feet.
If YOU don’t GO, GIVE, ACT, PRAY Â who will?
[box]This is your one life. Your one chance. Don’t waste it! [/box]