How often do we take the miracle of creation for granted?
We love animals. But to see and experience the sweetness and simplicity of a miniature horse greet a yellow lab for the first time? Definitely unusual for most people. These two met at a campfire in our pasture and became fast friends. Their antics kept us smiling at the little show they gave us. I think God created the original “dog and pony show”. 😉 God created the animals, the beauty of the world around us, and our five senses in order to bring us joy. Did you catch that? God made creation to bring us joy! So how do you think it makes Him feel when we don’t appreciate the vast, incredible gift He gave?
Have you ever given a gift you were excited about, but the receiver wasn’t impressed?
I live in the mountains of Montana. My kitchen window looks out on an amazing view. I forget how special it is sometimes until a friend visits. They’ll look out the window and stare. I mean stare in silence. Several seconds go by before anything is said. I’ve learned to wait and let them take in the magnificence of God’s artistic creativity. It’s stunning regardless of the season. Let me show you fall…

Here’s another view in spring:

Consider 5 ways to explore creation, enrich our sense of God’s artistic creativity,and build joyful faith through appreciation of His gift.
1. Visual appreciation. Stop, stare, satiate in what your eyes take in. Every place in the world has something stunning about it from the animals, the scenery, the people, or even simply the colors of the area we have the ability to see. Both pictures affected me so much that I often go back and stare at them. But when I do, I thank the Lord for the beauty of His creation and that I saw them. Do you stop, stare, satiate, and then thank the Lord for the gift He just gave you?
2. Auditory art appreciation. Often there’s a lot of noise around us. Every now and then the sound of the wind is musical, a gorgeous song, the sound of running water, or a newborn’s cry stick out as special. I have a funny magpie who sits in a tall tree near my upstairs office window. Her caw isn’t so pleasing. But it stuns me that she spends time watching me and chatting at me. The first cries of my children, grandchildren, and even their little questions and pronouncements of a new discovery thrill my ears. Chatting, cheering, choosing to be aware of the beauty of sounds around us. Do you revel in a chat, cheer for a friend, and choose to listen for special sounds in your life?
3. Scents appreciation. The smell of baking bread, honey suckle or gardenias, the air after a rain all make me fill my lungs. I inhale and fill my lungs over and over. Lilacs bloom for a very short time in Montana. Every time I stop at the bushes in our front yard. It’s impossible to walk by without enjoying the fragrant moment. I inhale with intense interest. Do you allow yourself an moments to inhale with intense interest and thank God for the ability to enjoy rich scents and experiences?
4. Tactile appreciation. The ability to feel soft fur, velvet, a warm cup of cocoa on a cold day are all calming. People who own pets tend to live longer. Why? The sense of touch creates the sense of connection. Science proves stroking the coat of a soft dog, cat, or even a bunny lowers stress levels and heart rates. Pet visitations for hospitals, orphanages, and nursing homes are encouraged to aid in patient or resident healing, emotional health, and overall physical health. It’s so easy to take the gift of tactile touch for granted. We use our hands more as tools, extensions of our will. I love to whisper, “Wow”, wonderously at the miracle of feeling in my hands. Do you whisper “wow” wonderously to God for the gift of touch?
5. Savor appreciation. Sweet, salty, savory, smooth, crunchy, chewy, icy…I’m sitting on the sofa swirling smooth, velvety chocolate around on my tongue as my husband shares a gourmet chocolate bar with me. I closed my eyes, concentrated on the chocolate hazelnut, and counted myself lucky to savor the treat. Have you ever closed your eyes, concentrated on the experience, and counted yourself lucky to savor the taste of something special?
Consider spending one day in devotion to the artistic creativity of God for each of the five senses. Spend the entire day focused on all the miracles you see around you. Pick another and celebrate the sense of taste. Do it for each of the senses.
Next consider choosing a way to spread the joy with another. Journal or blog about what you think, feel, and understand about God’s creativity. In fact, spread the idea by spending a day on a sight seeing tour with your family looking for spectacular or unusual sights. If you meet strangers, tell them what you’re doing. Talk about how to be more aware of God’s gift of the five senses.
More ideas to celebrate and share faith through God’s creativity?
Spend a special lunch over your ultimate favorite foods. Invite them to chat with you about the fun, interesting, awesome taste experiences you’ve both had in your life. (One of my favorites is mango sorbet after a twelve mile tropical bike ride.) Or maybe chocolate decadence 😀

Go to a concert, a nature preserve or even a zoo, sit by a creek in silence. Invite people from work or church to have a unique auditory adventure. Chat beforehand about expectations and afterwards about the experience.

Create a sensory game. Blindfold participants and pass around various articles everyone holds, touches, and then guesses the identity. Youth groups, sports teams, and Bible studies or book clubs, retreats would have a great time with a game or ice breaker. Don’t rush. The point is to enjoy and appreciate the ability to feel. I’d offer a kitten or puppy for any age group to enjoy cuddling.

How will you now explore and experience creation? Share your ideas…
Great reminder, Angie. I know I definitely take creation for granted sometimes. I live in the city and sometimes I have to go off into nature to feel God. I forget that he’s right there in the stroke of my pets.