Meme created by NanJones.com
I’d not want merely to possess a faith; I want a faith that possesses me.” ~ Charles Kingsley
These words leaped from the page straight into my heart, searing any complacency that lingered there. Had I become complacent? Had I allowed my own personal pain and frustrations to consume me at the expense of the hurting world around me?
After much self-reflection, I had to answer yes. I am a strong woman of faith, but my light had grown dim, snuffed out in an ocean of tears. At times my light had become a mere spark.
I w

ant my life to be an offering set ablaze by God’s consuming fire. I want to be possessed by my faith. I want to focus on the One and the one – the one whose soul is lost, the one whose mind is overwhelmed, the one whose heart is broken. I want to focus on their pain and bring them hope. I want to lead the hurting to the foot of the Cross where beauty is born of ashes.
Joel N. Clark said, “When we fail to choose to live our lives fully awake, the ashes will extinguish the beauty, the mourning will smother the joy, the despair will end our praises. When we sleep to the dreams inside our hearts, the message of love will become nothing more than a nice idea. Yet when we awaken to the dreams God has placed inside of us, our very lives become the beauty, magic, and wonder that the world needs.”
As we become fully engaged in this new year, do you also desire to live your life as an offering to the Lord? Will you join me in living our lives fully awake, consumed in the fire of His love? It is there that our faith will possess us, set ablaze for Him.